The Xentain Blog

  • Meet The All New Xentain

    Meet The All New Xentain

    Xentain has gotten a fresh new look, and a fresh new product. Meet the all new Xentain, now with web hosting.

  • Dallas Data Center Migration

    Dallas Data Center Migration

    As many of you probably know, we had a data center move scheduled for April 1st (no, this wasn’t meant to be an April Fools joke). Unfortunately, our move didn’t go as we would’ve liked it to. Why we moved. To get you up to speed (if you don’t know this already, which most people…

  • Release of Xentain Solutions

    Release of Xentain Solutions

    Hello and Welcome to Xentain Solutions! As of January 1st 2023, I am excited to announce the official release of the company! The Idea of Xentain Xentain Solutions was founded on the 1st of January in 2023 by two individuals, Ryder and Plactrix (pseudonyms). At the time when the idea first came up to start…